Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Squash Education

I am so glad that John and Anna took the time to explain the different squashes because i still get them confused.

Sweet Dumpling:  Teacup shaped with an ivory color and dark green stripes.

Buttercup:  Dark green, blocky with a 'gray button' at the base.

Acorn:  Deep green, roundish, and ribbed.

Each of these types above are good for stuffing and baking

Spaghetti squash:  Large oval shapes with pale yellow skin.  Bake or boil and then fork out the flesh.  Then top this 'spaghetti' with you favorite sauce.  (It is also great with butter and Italian seasonings)

Butternut:  bell shapes with a toasty tan color.  Cut into chunks, scoop out the seeds, and cook  until tender.  When cooled enough to handle remove the skin and puree the rest.  You can use this in any recipe calling for pumpkin.

I was talking to the delivery guy, Rue, the best in all the land...a little sneak peek into the veggies for next year...colored....rainbow beans.  Just wondering if there are any different veggies you would like to see in your boxes for next year?  Leave them in the comment section please.

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