Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Green Goodness

With our CSA boxes each week there is a weekly newsletter that Andy writes out long had and then Rue and Susan...the 'Englishers' down the road type and print it out what Andy has written about.  This newsletter then makes it way back to Cedarmore Farm in time to be folded and placed in each CSA box.
So...last week at the time of writing it was raining. Then a little stretch of dry weather came and Andy and his helpers scurried out to the fields where they were able to get some work done.  They have just finished their second planting of beans and they were able to get down some mulch so that the tomatoes, cantaloupes, cucumbers and sweet potatoes can be planted. It has been more wet than normal but if they are able to get just a little window where they can plant it isn't too bad.
For those of you that are new...the green leaves with the colored stems are Swiss chard (my all time favorite vegetable)
A little faming mishap...way back in February on one of those cold wintery night, there was a farmer that forgot to wake up to stoke the fire to keep the greenhouse plants nice warm...oops, no broccoli now for our boxes.  But the good news is that there has been a second planting and it should be ready to harvest in a few weeks.  And the strawberries should be ripe about then also.

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