Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Too Wet For Mellons

Andy had listed melons as one of the planned crops for the summer CSA, but with the weather being so wet int he spring when it was time to plant no one attempted to plant any.  He is trying to find someone locally that would have grown the melons organically but so far no success.  He may be able to find some that are NOT grown organically.  If you would like one of those , please email Cedarmore Farm and they will see that you get a watermelon.  Also Fall Shares are open but there are not too many left.  So if you  would like to join the CSA, please email as soon as you can.

The weather has been pleasant for the last four or five days.  Also Andy reports to me that they got a few good rains and he is hoping for a bountiful harvest.  Things are going so well  that they are getting ready to plant more fall crops in the field.  Since the rains the soil is nice and moist so hopefully the crops will be off to a good tart.  Lizzie and the girls that have been hired to help around the farm are busy canning.  Something new to me ....cow peas.  Andy says that they will be able to harvest some in the next few weeks so many you should google a recipe or two.  This is the first year that they have grown then.  So he is looking for your feedback.  Andy gives me a heads up (because he knows I don't know to much about some of the things the farm grows) and says that you only eat the peas...just like you would regular peas.

The melons are still a little bit of a question mark.  Since Andy writes the Newsletter that is placed in each box on the Thursday before picking on Tuesday  he wasn't sure if they would be able to find any organic watermelons.  Again...if you don't mind getting a non-organic grown melon, please email (cedarmorefarm@tdisp.com) and let them know what you would like to do for next week.

tomatoes, a Italian heirloom tomato, bets, peppers,potatoes, corn, watermelon, cow peas

Delicious...can't wait to eat them on a hamburger!

I love Lizzie's Mom's soaps.  They make you smell wonderful and they are so moisturising. 

We couldn't wait to cut into the cherry pie...DELICIOUS!

I look forward to Tuesdays because I know Jesse (a hired driver) and his sweet children will be bringing us some good food and it is always like opening a gift.  We never really know what to expect.  There have been some things that I have no clue what they are.  I had to buy a vegetable encyclopedia so I could tell you what they were.  We communicate by emails to a neighbor down the road, (a non- Amish or English) organic farmer.  Recently we have just been exchanging notes in the CSA box each Tuesday.  Truly the highlight of my week.  And I am learning so much about organic farming and the Amish way.  Not to mention I have a whole bunch of new friends!

Please consider joining the CSA and trying out some new things.  It is a very interesting and you will not believe what you will be cooking.  And your family will like it....mine does!


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We are glad that you stopped in to check us out. Please leave a comment and tell us what you think. Have you had any experience with CSA?