Friday, June 15, 2012

A Little About Farm Day Tomorrow

I am so excited tomorrow is just around the corner.  We get to spend the day on the farm with Andy, Lizzie and the kids and learn more about organic farming.  From talking to everyone I can say they there will be lots of things to see and do.  I am hoping to meet lots of our readers!

When talking to Andy we decided that I might want to lay some ground rules...really only one.  It is a hard one for me too, so if I can do it you should be able to also.  If you have noticed in all the shots I take of the farm there are never any people.  There is a strong reason for that! The Amish have a set of rules called the Ordnung.  It is the foundation for the Amish community.  It contains all the 'rules' that the Amish community must adhere to.  From then width of a man's hat to the length of a woman's dress.  Click here to read more about the Ordnung. This is not the real document...only someone trying to put it in terms we can understand.  I find it to be very interesting.
The big question that I am sure that is going thru your mind...'Will we be allowed to take pictures?'  Andy, Lizzie and I discussed this on more thtn one occasion.  Because we are on the farm and lots of us are not used to seeing farm animals or vegetables growing in a garden, we will be able to take shots of the English enjoying that.  The Amish (Andy and Lizzie feel very strongly about this issue) feel that photos and videos, posing for pictures are an unacceptable act of pride.  Please be respectful of the Amish religion and refrain from taking shots of the Amish during the day.  

While visiting Cedarmore please be considerate of the Amish lifestyle.  They are very private community.  The men may be more open to communicating with the English that plan to visit the farms.  You might hear the Amish speaking to each other in Pennsylvania Dutch.  The children learn to speak English while in school but at home they speak Pennsylvania Dutch.  Sometimes Anna and Dennis start talking to me and I just have to smile and wait for Andy or Lizzie to translate for me.  I have learned a few words and Anna is trying to learn some English words.  Sometimes it is a real challenge.

I know that Andy, Lizzie and their family and friends have been working hard to make this a fun and informative day for us.  Please take time out to let them know what you enjoyed and what you learned.

See you on the farm!


  1. Can you please tell us the hours for the visit? And should we RSVP if we will not be staying to share refreshments? Thank you!

    1. Emily please read all the info and more here...

      An RSVP either way might be nice.


We are glad that you stopped in to check us out. Please leave a comment and tell us what you think. Have you had any experience with CSA?