Sunday, May 9, 2021

It's Been A Long Time

 Note from Rue, John, and Anna...

We want to Thank You for joining Cedarmore CSA and let you know that your first CSA produce pickup will be Tuesday, May 11th. John and Anna wanted me to let everyone know that the first boxes will not be packed full due to the longer than usual cold spells we’ve been having. We are used to spring cold spells, freezes, and frosts, but these have lasted longer than usual and it has slowed things down quite a bit. It looks like the weather will be improving in about a week and things should really take off then. When you pick up your produce please make sure to get the box with your name on it. It is very important that all of the CSA members get the box with their names on it. If you are picking up eggs they will be in a box or crate by the produce.  There will be a list of who gets them and how many they get or the name will be on the carton depending on how many dozen that location gets. The pickup locations are members’ homes and the boxes are usually located on the porch.  We do ask that you please keep things as neat as possible and that you bring back your empty box from the previous week and flatten it and stack it neatly. It will help us out if you return empty egg cartons and berry boxes also. Besides helping keep our costs down, returning containers for reuse helps lessen the impact on the environment as well.  If you have any problems picking up please e-mail us immediately and we will do everything we can to help out. If you have any questions just let us know.

A side note from a drop-off host...if you bring a bag or box you can just transfer the veggies to your bag and leave the box from the CSA on the porch.  That way you won't need to remember to bring it back the next week.  And it is very helpful if you break down the boxes and put them in the designated location on the porch.


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