This week in our box there are some white onion like vegetables which are leeks. Andy tells me that they have never grown these before. He wants to know if we like them or not. There are lots of red tomatoes, purple and white onions, some green beans, cabbage, Romaine lettuce and I think it might be kale....waiting to hear back from the farmer that knows all his vegetables...unlike this want-to-be- farmer.
some zucchini relish...looks great!
This is one of Lizzy's homemade apple pies. I hope it make it to Lexington tomorrow. It is way to pretty to Cassie start planning something around all these veggies and pie for dinner. I think I am not going to eat all day long up for dinner.
And then there is Lizzy's Mom's homemade soap. This time I got lemon grass and I am telling you right now that it makes my mouth water...smells just like Lenomheads candy.
If any of these items looks like something you and your family would like to try...drop an email to
and they will be more than happy to take care of you.